The exceptional world of cigars is full of exceptional people. In this industry, there are world class rollers, remarkable minds, and big personalities. Among these exceptional people is Cesar A. Reyes, founder of Caminos cigars. If one word had to describe this man, it would be “heart”. Cesar has love and passion, not only for the industry, but for everyone he meets. That’s why his newest line of cigars is fittingly named MisAmores, which translates to “My Loves”.
MisAmores is dedicated to Cesar’s three beautiful children. Each cigar has been blended with the flavors and personalities of each of his kids. There’s the Cranky AJ; fiery and fearless, the Baby T; fun and full of life, and the Princesa; the “sweet little diva”. With the help of master blender Francisco “Chico” Rivas, Cesar was able to personify the three people he loves most, and share them with the world.
Today’s review is on the MisAmores Cranky AJ. Right off the first puff, this little cigar is peppery and bitter. After the initial spice, the pepper relaxes as the cigar begins to rev up. The first third introduces bitter citrus flavors, like orange rind.
The second third is when the Cranky AJ really wakes up. Complexity surfaces, and the smoker detects flavors of cream, black pepper, anise and salt. It all blends together on the tongue with a nice oily finish. The bitterness takes the back seat and the umami drives the cigar into its last third. The smoke ends its trip with the spice that is started with. The citrus is gone and the cigar tastes like jalapeno peppers and savory dough. The cigar stays smooth and oily throughout its smoke and never leaves a dry mouth.
Each MisAmores goes for under $10 a stick, so trying one is no big investment. The box has an eye catching, pyramid shape, so you’ll be sure to spot it at your local brick and mortar. All three blends are delicious, unique and made with love. Like Caesar often says, it’s “not HANDCRAFTED, (it) is HEARTCRAFTED”.